Программное обеспечение DS Pharm для аптечной сети - DreamSoft

DS Pharm software for pharmacy network

Specialized software developed for automation of business processes of pharmacy network.

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DS Pharm program includes:

  • Database linking the goods movement across the network;
  • Central program «DreamPharmXE».

The data exchange between pharmacies and the central server takes place in real time, thus providing reliable information on all transactions and goods online.

The DS Pharm software for the pharmacy network automates the following functions:

  • Working with handbooks.
    A single guide for the entire pharmacy network has been created.
  • Application processing.
    Centralized request collection implemented, manual and automatic distribution of applications, as well as the initial application for a new pharmacy.
  • Import of invoices and their posting.
    The software provides automatic import of invoices from electronic copies of suppliers, calculation of the final price for goods according to the formed method, formation of the value of goods at its location.
  • Revaluation and inventory.
    The program implements automatic revaluation of goods according to the rules set by the user, manual revaluation. An easy-to-use inventory interface has been developed that allows quick search by name, price, barcode with a scanner, quickly change the quantity of goods, as well as inventory at several workplaces in one pharmacy simultaneously.

Automatic import and export between pharmacy network and services:


  • Obtaining product information from other pharmacies
  • Upload current balances and values of your network’s products


  • Obtaining a goods handbook
  • Obtaining MMN
  • Obtaining ATC
  • Electronic prescriptions

Advantages that the Customer receives from the implementation of the pharmacy program:

  • Use of any type of discount program
  • Reduction of labor cost for ordering goods decreased by 90% through the elimination of the stock depot and related jobs
  • Visualization of business indicators in real time
  • Establishment of a single integrated system of all trade units (office - warehouse - outlet)
  • Primary data collection that allows rapid management decisions and sales forecasting based on the analysis of these data
  •  Elimination of the human factor, which leads to optimization of goods procurement and acceleration of domestic turnover by an average of 50%




Cost of DS Pharm software for pharmacy business

Стоимость внедрения программы в минимальной конфигурации на одно рабочее место
700 BYN
21 000 RUB
The final cost will depend on the size of the Customer’s pharmacy network and the need for improvement.
Know the exact cost

Added value

  • Technical Support by our specialists is possible in 24/7 mode or in mode more suitable for the time of operation of your trading network. We offer several variants of tariff plans.
  • The DS Pharm program is easy to operate and does not require long-term training of employees to work with it
  • Possible improvement of our pharmacy program according to the requirements of the Customer
  • Working throughout the Republic of Belarus and the EAEU



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